The Realm of Fontainie
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AIM Convos

These are very interesting aim convos.

LizzieP3848 [3:52 PM]:  Welcome class, I am Mrs. Elizabeth Brock-Carter adn you may call me Mrs. Brock-Carter. Please go around the class and say your name.  
LizzieP3848 [3:52 PM]:  and*  
LizzieP3848 [3:52 PM]:  Yes you, what is your name?  
animerox900 [3:53 PM]:  Laura  Brock
LizzieP3848 [3:53 PM]:  I will call you Brock, is that  okay? Or shall I call you something else?  
animerox900 [3:53 PM]:  wutever
LizzieP3848 [3:54 PM]:  Okay first lesson today is english.  
animerox900 [3:54 PM]:  YAY!
LizzieP3848 [3:54 PM]:  Now please fix this sentence:  
LizzieP3848 [3:54 PM]:  Yo homie wat is so happen? Yo go dwag!  
animerox900 [3:55 PM]:  Hello my friends what is going on? Go friends!
LizzieP3848 [3:56 PM]:  Very good  but that's not quite what I was looking for........This is the answer:  
LizzieP3848 [3:57 PM]:  Hi my name is Elizabeth Brock-Carter and I will be teaching you today. Please take out your books and LEARN SOMETHING!  
animerox900 [3:57 PM]:  lol
LizzieP3848 [3:57 PM]:  lol  
animerox900 [3:57 PM]:  i'm eating coffee candies!
animerox900 [3:57 PM]:  yum!
LizzieP3848 [3:58 PM]:  Excuse me? That candy is not part of the class NOW PUT IY AWAY!  
LizzieP3848 [3:58 PM]:  IT*  
animerox900 [3:58 PM]:  yes mrs. Brock Carter
LizzieP3848 [3:58 PM]:  Now next class, MATH!  
animerox900 [3:59 PM]:  nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LizzieP3848 [3:59 PM]:  SHUT UP!  
animerox900 [4:00 PM]:  ok.....
LizzieP3848 [4:00 PM]:  Now can anyone tell me what this equals: 200+4538=?  
animerox900 [4:01 PM]:  5555555555
LizzieP3848 [4:01 PM]:  NOPE! NOW PAY ATTENTION THE ANSWER IS 4738\  
animerox900 [4:01 PM]:  ooooooooo
LizzieP3848 [4:02 PM]:  GET IT RIGHT MISS.BROCKI!  
animerox900 [4:02 PM]:  sry mrs. brock carter
LizzieP3848 [4:03 PM]:  YOU BETTER BE! Now class please take out your Social Studies books NOW!  
animerox900 [4:04 PM]:  ok..
LizzieP3848 [4:04 PM]:  Miss. Brock do you have your book?  
LizzieP3848 [4:05 PM]:  MISS. BROCK!  
animerox900 [4:05 PM]:  yes ma'm
LizzieP3848 [4:06 PM]:  Do you have your book
animerox900 [4:06 PM]:  yes
LizzieP3848 [4:06 PM]:  Very good, Now open your book to page 1000000000.  
animerox900 [4:07 PM]:  *opens book*
LizzieP3848 [4:07 PM]:  good  
LizzieP3848 [4:08 PM]:  Now please read the first page Miss. Brock........
LizzieP3848 [4:08 PM]:  ALOUD!  
animerox900 [4:09 PM]:  lol sry
LizzieP3848 [4:09 PM]:  It's okay now read......  
animerox900 [4:09 PM]:  the world was descovered in year 0 the geography was flat and waterful
LizzieP3848 [4:10 PM]:  Continue.....  
animerox900 [4:10 PM]:  dinosaurs ate everybody so a million years later the earth was redescivered by chickens
LizzieP3848 [4:11 PM]:  Very good Now class what does this tell you about the earth......Laura?  
animerox900 [4:11 PM]:  we are all chickens
animerox900 [4:13 PM]:  awwwwwwwwww
LizzieP3848 [4:13 PM]:  LEAVE!  
LizzieP3848 [4:13 PM]:  NOW!  
animerox900 [4:13 PM]:  yes....*leaves*
animerox900 [4:13 PM]:  lol
LizzieP3848 [4:13 PM]:  LITTLE MONTER  
LizzieP3848 [4:13 PM]:  MONSTER*  

*below* Sarah talking to a aim robot lol
keisanki megami: Don't call me baby!
Austin Powers: What would you like me to call you?
keisanki megami: I want you to call me_ fat cat mama
keisanki megami: please
keisanki megami: will you call me   Fat Cat Mama
Austin Powers: Since you insist, I'm back now.
keisanki megami: i want you to call me Fat Cat Mamma
Austin Powers: Yes. Yes baby.
keisanki megami: NO!
Austin Powers: Fine.
keisanki megami: Fat Cat Mama
Austin Powers: Fat cat mama, huh?
keisanki megami: yes
Austin Powers: Huh.
keisanki megami: call me that
Austin Powers: keisanki megami, you mean?
keisanki megami: no fat cat mama
Austin Powers: Why not?
keisanki megami: grrrrrrr
Austin Powers: Hey, I'm sorry. I'm trying to help you.
keisanki megami: lol
Austin Powers: What's so funny? :-)
keisanki megami: not you
Austin Powers: I'm sorry to hear that.
keisanki megami: lol
Austin Powers: What's so funny?
keisanki megami: XDDD
Austin Powers: Xddd? Why did you say that?
keisanki megami: cuz ^_~
Austin Powers: Because what?
keisanki megami: because
Austin Powers: 'Cause what?
keisanki megami: CUZ I SED SO
Austin Powers: Because what?
keisanki megami: T_T
Austin Powers: Don't cry, baby. You're really freaking me out.
keisanki megami: you know what you should do to cheer me up?
Austin Powers: Difficult for me to say.
keisanki megami: call me Fat Cat Mama
Austin Powers: Call you fat cat mama? That's a somewhat odd request.
keisanki megami: please call me Fat Cat Mama
Austin Powers: Why are you telling me to call you fat cat mama?
keisanki megami: because it would make me happy
Austin Powers: Hmm... whatever.
keisanki megami: thank you
Austin Powers: You're welcome.
keisanki megami: WAAAA
Austin Powers: Huh?
keisanki megami: I'm crying
Austin Powers: Oh no... Try doing something fun!
keisanki megami: >:)
Austin Powers: You little devil you.
keisanki megami: meow
Austin Powers: Are you a cat?
keisanki megami: o yes
Austin Powers: Yea.
keisanki megami: >:O
Austin Powers: >:o
keisanki megami: >:L
Austin Powers: L? What's l?
keisanki megami: l for loser
Austin Powers: L for loser is l? You really think so?
keisanki megami: yes
Austin Powers: Judo chop.
keisanki megami: what the heck?!
Austin Powers: what the heack??
keisanki megami: yes
Austin Powers: Indeed.
keisanki megami: indeed indeed
Austin Powers: Yes baby.
keisanki megami: i have a boyfriend do you?
Austin Powers: I don't know.
keisanki megami: are you gay?
Austin Powers: That's a bit of a nutty question, keisanki megami.
keisanki megami: well are you?
Austin Powers: Am I? What do you mean?
keisanki megami: are you gay?
Austin Powers: That's a bit of a nutty question.
keisanki megami: well i want to know if your gay
Austin Powers: Right then, whatever you say.
keisanki megami: r u gay
Austin Powers: Crikey. You've asked me that a few times already. Does it make you randy?
keisanki megami: I am randy for you babe
Austin Powers: Randy for me? Really?
keisanki megami: o yea
Austin Powers: You are randy for me, huh? alright.
keisanki megami: yep
Austin Powers: Yes...
keisanki megami: i want you
Austin Powers: With you? You must be joking.
keisanki megami: no
Austin Powers: No problem.
keisanki megami: ok
Austin Powers: Okey doke.
keisanki megami: are you randy for me
Austin Powers: Very interesting. Perhaps... I don't know though...
keisanki megami: you should be because I'm your Fat Cat Mama
Austin Powers: Wouldn't you like me to be because you are my fat cat mama?
keisanki megami: yes
Austin Powers: Ha.
keisanki megami: please be randy for me.  I'm your Fat Cat mama
Austin Powers: Sorry baby. My movie is only available on DVD now.
keisanki megami: I don't want your dvd I want you
Austin Powers: I'm sorry, what?
keisanki megami: u stink
Austin Powers: I'm sorry you feel that way.
keisanki megami: o baby
Austin Powers: Ya, baby.
keisanki megami:  all i want is for you to be randy for me and call me fat cat mama
Austin Powers: Sorry baby. My movie is only available on DVD now.
keisanki megami: I don't want your stupid dvd
Austin Powers: Oh behave!
keisanki megami: I can't when I'm randy for you
Austin Powers: Indeed.
keisanki megami: well I love you and I will never stop being randy for you
Austin Powers: I don't know if I believe you. You've said some pretty harsh things to me already.
keisanki megami: I was just joking.  I truly love you and I will die if you are not randy for me.
Austin Powers: Yeah baby!
keisanki megami: you don't love me do you
Austin Powers: Yeah. Well... I dunno.
keisanki megami: please love me beace we could be randy for eachother
Austin Powers: Sorry baby. My movie is only available on DVD now.
keisanki megami: i told you all ready I DON'T WANT YOUR DVD.  I WANT YOU OR I'LL DIE ;_;
Austin Powers: I'm sorry, I didn't get that.
Austin Powers: I love you too, keisanki megami.
keisanki megami: Thank you now we can be randy together
Austin Powers: No problem.
keisanki megami: good
Austin Powers: Great.
keisanki megami: oh baby
Austin Powers: Baby!
keisanki megami: lets get thing started
Austin Powers: Yeah. The shop has groovy items, baby.
keisanki megami: you know what
Austin Powers: Yeah, what?
keisanki megami: I've changed my mind
Austin Powers: You have changed your mind? For real?
keisanki megami: I want to be randy for someone else
Austin Powers: You want to be randy for someone else?
keisanki megami: yes
Austin Powers: Ah yes.
keisanki megami: i don't love you anymore
Austin Powers: And it's a good thing you don't.
keisanki megami: i love my boyfriend randy
Austin Powers: I see.
keisanki megami: are you randy for some one else to?
Austin Powers: Hmm... Am I randy for someone Else To? I dunno...
keisanki megami: well you said it was a good thing that I wasn't randy for you anymore
Austin Powers: I definitely said it!
keisanki megami: well are you randy for me or someone else?
Austin Powers: I confess I do not know.
keisanki megami: tell me or die
Austin Powers: I'll tell ya later. Maybe.
keisanki megami: no tell me now
Austin Powers: I don't know 'bout that...
keisanki megami: please tell me i'll be randy for you again
Austin Powers: You want me to tell you that you will be randy for me again?
keisanki megami: yes but only if you tell me if you are randy for me or someone else
Austin Powers: What would you like me to tell you?
keisanki megami: well....I'd like you to be randy for me
Austin Powers: That's a bit nutty.
keisanki megami: are you nutty because that's what I like in a randy guy like you....nice and nutty
Austin Powers: I'll think about it, keisanki megami.
keisanki megami: don't think just act
Austin Powers: Oh no?
keisanki megami: are you scared
Austin Powers: Sometimes I think I might be, sometimes not.
keisanki megami: well don't be now
Austin Powers: Why can't I be now?
keisanki megami: because I'm randy for you
Austin Powers: Because you're randy for me? Is that why?
keisanki megami: yes    I want more from you
Austin Powers: Maybe I want more from me too.
keisanki megami: like what bigger balls
Austin Powers: What bigger balls do you think?
keisanki megami: i mean the balls on your necklace
Austin Powers: You really mean the balls on my necklace? Wow.
keisanki megami: no but that's ok
Austin Powers: I don't think that is ok.
keisanki megami: well......
Austin Powers: Well well well.
keisanki megami: ummmm..........
Austin Powers: Oh?
keisanki megami: Hi
Austin Powers: 'ello to you too, keisanki megami.

B rocked 4 eva13: paris hiltons dog tinkerbell likes her steak medium rare
B rocked 4 eva13:  my dog doesnt even noe what it is

B rocked 4 eva13: omg u life is like the gillmore girls!
B rocked 4 eva13: is soooo funny
ImaFruitcake64: gee i'm glad u think my love life is funny lol

B rocked 4 eva13: me and liz were trin to see inside his house yesterday
B rocked 4 eva13: i saw his mom and sister but not him
ImaFruitcake64: STALKER!

sumdayI willrule: im right out side your window
sumdayI willrule: *evil laugh*
ImaFruitcake64: *looks and sees olivia* *waves*
sumdayI willrule: *waves back* hello there... *throws battle axe in laura's direction*
sumdayI willrule: *hits a chicken in the back yard instead*

sumdayI willrule: everydays the 14th (happy valentines day)
irken titan9: OMG!! VALENTINES DAY IS ON THE 14TH!!!!!!
irken titan9: GAH!!!
irken titan9: *rolls on floor screaming*
irken titan9: DARN YOU!! DARN YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!
irken titan9: o
irken titan9: heh heh
irken titan9: ok i'm good now

sumdayI willrule: i hope it goes by sections
sumdayI willrule: ok refraze that "i hope... it goes by section"
sumdayI willrule: it does go by section
sumdayI willrule: i kno it does he said so
sumdayI willrule: wow im fighting with myself
sumdayI willrule: i hope we dont have to go tomorrow
irken titan9: LMAO!
sumdayI willrule: sure laugh at me and me fighting
sumdayI willrule: hey shut up you ur not allowed to speak
irken titan9: XDDD
sumdayI willrule: i need a personal day

hotarumisao: we have like esp
ZackAP06: n
ZackAP06: espn
hotarumisao: XD yeah
ZackAP06: and hbo
ZackAP06: and stars
ZackAP06: yayayayayayayayayayay

hotarumisao: ?_?
SirHoneytoast: I SWEAR!
hotarumisao: i like snakes
hotarumisao: lol
SirHoneytoast: no you dont
SirHoneytoast: not these ones
hotarumisao: umm...r they bad snakes?
hotarumisao: lol
SirHoneytoast: the correct answer would have been " I DONT WANT TO KNOW!! I DONT WANT TO KNOW!!'
SirHoneytoast: soooo i shall tell you about the giggle loop
SirHoneytoast: ........
hotarumisao: i don't want to know..i don't want to know...
SirHoneytoast: good
SirHoneytoast: but i am going to tell you about it anyway../
hotarumisao: um ok
SirHoneytoast: ok
SirHoneytoast: the giggle loop is this
SirHoneytoast: picture the worst time in the world to laugh
hotarumisao: oh man...i do that a lot
SirHoneytoast: like a moment of silence for someone who has just died
hotarumisao: XD i did that
SirHoneytoast: and you are doing perfectly fine... solemn... serious... sad even.
SirHoneytoast: and then you think how terrible it would be if you laughed.
SirHoneytoast: and now that the thought is in your head, it gets harder to not actually laugh
SirHoneytoast: so you almost do it
SirHoneytoast: but you stop yourself\
SirHoneytoast: just in time
SirHoneytoast: and then you think how terrible it would have been if you had actually laughed during this moment of serious silence for a  dead person
SirHoneytoast: and once again it becomes harder not to laugh
SirHoneytoast: and you almost do it again
SirHoneytoast: and the thought keeps repeating
SirHoneytoast: until it becomes damn near impossible to keep from laughing
SirHoneytoast: and you do it
SirHoneytoast: you laugh
SirHoneytoast: and you laugh
SirHoneytoast: and you laugh and laugh and laugh
SirHoneytoast: and people stare at you and they're offended that you're laughing
hotarumisao: lmao
SirHoneytoast: and some are a little creeped out too
SirHoneytoast: and then you stop
hotarumisao: XDDDD
SirHoneytoast: and that is the giggle loop
SirHoneytoast: and now you know
SirHoneytoast: and now it will be sooooo much harder to avoid..
hotarumisao: ah, i see. i feel so full of knowledge now
SirHoneytoast: i am sorry i had to curse you
hotarumisao: no, s'ok, i'm cursed neways....and i wanted 2 no wut it was, also. lol

SirHoneytoast: there once lived two people named bill and joaquin
irken titan9: okeee i'm tired so it maybe crap
SirHoneytoast: they were best friends
Spideeman88: they got bored one day
irken titan9: and went on a hike
irken titan9: in the evil woods
SirHoneytoast: of doom
Spideeman88: with badgers
SirHoneytoast: and they met a monster
irken titan9: a scary monster
Spideeman88: with a pet badger
SirHoneytoast: with teeth
irken titan9: his name was fred
SirHoneytoast: and he said hi
SirHoneytoast: then tried to eat them
Spideeman88: he was pink
SirHoneytoast: and tall
SirHoneytoast: and furry
irken titan9: but then he forgot to take a bean-o so he couldn't or he'd get gas
SirHoneytoast: but then bill, who is very stupid, gave fred some beano
irken titan9: fred said thank you because he was all out back at his spooky cave of doom
SirHoneytoast: and then he ate them
Spideeman88: and the badger got hungry
SirHoneytoast: *meanwhile, inside fred's stomach*
irken titan9: bill and that other person had a party!
Spideeman88: with DDR!!!!!!!
SirHoneytoast: and they invited all their friends
irken titan9: but, then they remembered they didn't have any friends ceot for eachother
irken titan9: *cept
SirHoneytoast: but then they remembered that they hadnt invited their mothers so they invited them
Spideeman88: and they snacked on the bean-o in freds stomach
SirHoneytoast: and they all lived happily ever after.
SirHoneytoast: amen

This is between Liz and some girl who is trying to make Liz her friend....
Sexii Lady 28 [7:47 PM]:  who dis be
LizzieP3848 [7:47 PM]: 
who dis be  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:48 PM]: 
yO im victoria
LizzieP3848 [7:48 PM]: 
well yo i dont know a victoria  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:48 PM]: 

LizzieP3848 [7:48 PM]: 
excuse me?  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:48 PM]: 
i go to yah sk0o up in herre
Sexii Lady 28 [7:48 PM]: 
victoria fusco in yah grade
Sexii Lady 28 [7:49 PM]: 
LizzieP3848 [7:49 PM]: 
o ur that victoria  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:49 PM]: 
yeh homie
LizzieP3848 [7:49 PM]: 
um how did u get my IM?  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:49 PM]: 
i dunNoh lady
LizzieP3848 [7:49 PM]: 
i barely know u  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:49 PM]: 
why u up in hurr IMin me

LizzieP3848 [7:49 PM]: 
um u need a language check homie  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:50 PM]: 
dun be scuurd
Sexii Lady 28 [7:50 PM]: 
u wanna beh mah friend chicki
Sexii Lady 28 [7:50 PM]: 
LizzieP3848 [7:50 PM]: 
well i see ur popular and im not  
LizzieP3848 [7:50 PM]: 
so we dont go  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:50 PM]: 
sO wat we gOttah get up ova thOse isSueSz
LizzieP3848 [7:50 PM]: 
im so sorry  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:51 PM]: 
yO i aint that popular
Sexii Lady 28 [7:51 PM]: 
we can be beSt friienDsz
Sexii Lady 28 [7:51 PM]: 
tilL tha very enD!
LizzieP3848 [7:51 PM]: 
well do u swear?  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:51 PM]: 
swear like baD wOrdSz or dO i swear to be ur friend
LizzieP3848 [7:52 PM]: 
bad words  
Sexii Lady 28 [7:52 PM]: 
na naaaa im up ova that we dOnt gOtta use thOse wOrdZ ta get our feeLiins out homie
LizzieP3848 [7:52 PM]:  well see i dont swear i think its a stupid way to use ur mouth  

Ltlmonkeygirl306: Honk if you love Stevie
hotarumisao: HONK HONK
hotarumisao: XD
Ltlmonkeygirl306: now drive ur car into the nearest tree
Ltlmonkeygirl306: lol
Ltlmonkeygirl306: lol
Ltlmonkeygirl306: j/k
hotarumisao: kk!!!! I'll do it for stevie! lol
Ltlmonkeygirl306: its a tactic to get ppl who  like stevie gone so i can have him

hotarumisao: ::in memory of Pairs::
TheHellAngelx666: *hangs head*

bjoyal2005: look out side its
bjoyal2005: ::runs outside:: Look! I found a cute one!!! hes mine! all mine!

irken titan9: u say
irken titan9: "hi!" "hi." "How was ur winter?" "good i guess.." "thats good"
LizzieP3848: ?
LizzieP3848: lol
irken titan9: then u become friends! lol
LizzieP3848: what r u talkin about?
irken titan9: me?
irken titan9: thats wut u should have sed
LizzieP3848: yes u
LizzieP3848: lol
irken titan9: lol
LizzieP3848: yea i would if he came out!
irken titan9: ooooooo
irken titan9: and jess
irken titan9: with mike it would go
irken titan9: "HI!!!!!" "WHERE?!" "i sed hi...." "oh...hi.." "How was ur winter?" "i dunno it's still summer.." "i meant last winter..." "o....i dunno"
LizzieP3848: lol
LizzieP3848: HAHAHA
B rocked 4 eva13: lol


Liz made me put stars for her phone # lol so no1 would call her.....DON'T CALL HER! lol

B rocked 4 eva13: IS SHE DEAD! AHHHHHH
B rocked 4 eva13: WHAT PPL
LizzieP3848: WHATS THE NUMBER FOR 911?
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
B rocked 4 eva13:  i donno 2******??
B rocked 4 eva13: AHH MY LEG LOL
LizzieP3848: LET ME TRY THAT!!!!!!!!
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
irken titan9: XDDDD
B rocked 4 eva13: i wont fall again!
LizzieP3848: 2-*-*-*-*-*-*...........ITS BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!
B rocked 4 eva13: AHH O NOE I DEAD!
B rocked 4 eva13: AHHHHHHHHHHH
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
irken titan9: XDDD
B rocked 4 eva13: CALL AGAIN!
B rocked 4 eva13: WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE
LizzieP3848: LOL
irken titan9: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
LizzieP3848: 2-*-*-*-*-*-*..............STILL BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!
LizzieP3848: 2******
LizzieP3848: 2******
LizzieP3848: 2******
B rocked 4 eva13: DONT LET ME DIE
B rocked 4 eva13: LOl
angelprincez023: is that your phone number liz
LizzieP3848: LOL
B rocked 4 eva13: NO
B rocked 4 eva13: NI
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
irken titan9: NI!
LizzieP3848: UM.........................YEA
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
LizzieP3848: LOL
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
irken titan9: lol
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
LizzieP3848: JESS U GAVE ME THE WRONG #!!!!!!!!!!!

irken titan9: manda & brit call me fontainie........
Th3 Bo: People call me lots of stuff.
Loser, Moron, Idiot, Psycho, Stupid
Th3 Bo: They love me so. :')

Enkai Sennyo: would would u buy stevie brock?
LizzieP3848: me
LizzieP3848: lol
LizzieP3848: or boxers

B rocked 4 eva13: WGHBAT!
B rocked 4 eva13: what**
mikeluvsjimmy6: ur the only 1 i no who can mess the word what up that bad

ravenwing110: ow!
ravenwing110: theres an uho on my hand....*pout*
irken titan9: a wut? lol
ravenwing110: unidentified hurting object *nodnod*

B rocked 4 eva13: i mean we are here studin and homework and no guys and she is grindin with hott guys and making money for it!
irken titan9: XD
B rocked 4 eva13: i  mean like talk about hooker!

B rocked 4 eva13: lol
B rocked 4 eva13: That ws bad typing my teacher would give me detention for that one lol

B rocked 4 eva13: o yeeah i am havin a tought time spelling

Pillow o0: you have a s/n addiction

miniscule316: canadians are wierd
ImaFruitcake64: I burnt the top of my mouth...but i dunno how cuz i had a sandwich for supper
ImaFruitcake64: hey! i'm canadian
miniscule316: lol
miniscule316: u just proved my point

ImaFruitcake64: omg lets have a staring contest
ImaFruitcake64: O_O
miniscule316: no


ImaFruitcake64: lets have a staring contest!
ImaFruitcake64: O_O
B rocked 4 eva13: wow
B rocked 4 eva13: ok'
B rocked 4 eva13: O_O
ImaFruitcake64: O_O
B rocked 4 eva13: I WIN!
B rocked 4 eva13: :)
ImaFruitcake64: NUH UH!!! ~_~ darn i blinked
B rocked 4 eva13: lol

sumdayI willrule: haha let us rejoice for the sake of rejoicing *rejoices*
Eris Of Chaos9: *rejoices*
sumdayI willrule: yay
sumdayI willrule: haha im retarded today
sumdayI willrule: ... this week

Eris Of Chaos9: bak
sumdayI willrule: yay
Eris Of Chaos9: lol
sumdayI willrule: *waves a lil 'laura's back' flag*
Eris Of Chaos9: XDDD
sumdayI willrule: weeehoo
sumdayI willrule: like my enthusiasim *stares a screen blankly*

Th3 Bo: Everyone
Th3 Bo: put on squid suits.
SirHoneytoast: i shall smite you....*smites olivia*.... and you.....*smites laura*.... and YOU!....*smites self*
Spideeman88: *rejoices*
SirHoneytoast: aaah!
Eris Of Chaos9: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Eris Of Chaos9: *dies 2*
Th3 Bo: *squid*

Th3 Bo: *pulls out shotgun*
Th3 Bo: I mean

Th3 Bo: *puppy dog*

ImaFruitcake64: i had a pickle in nutella
ImaFruitcake64: it was gross
Th3 Bo: lolol
ImaFruitcake64: but o so good
ImaFruitcake64: lol
Th3 Bo: lol
Th3 Bo: It was so gross yet so good at the same time.
ImaFruitcake64: yeah
Th3 Bo: What kind of sex are you talking about? :P
ImaFruitcake64: it was good b4 i tasted it
ImaFruitcake64: AH!
Th3 Bo: AHhahahaha
ImaFruitcake64: i sed that after the wrong thing!
ImaFruitcake64: >_<"

irken titan9: O_O staring contest
SirHoneytoast: oh?
SirHoneytoast: i shall destroy you
SirHoneytoast: O_O
irken titan9: O_O
SirHoneytoast: O_O
irken titan9: O_O
SirHoneytoast: O_O
irken titan9: O_O
SirHoneytoast: >_<
SirHoneytoast: CRAP!
irken titan9: XD
irken titan9: I WIN!!
irken titan9: HOOOOOOOOOORAY!

ember dragon29: it was the globe theater urinals...just to let u know
ember dragon29: figured it was bugging u too

ZackAP06: yea i havent ever started my gym homework
hotarumisao: XDDD
ZackAP06: its due in like a week
hotarumisao: wut do u have 2 do?
ZackAP06: look up the but musle describe it tell wat i can do to work it and draw a picture of it sounds fun dont it
hotarumisao: LMAO!!!
ZackAP06: buttt the but of all the muscles i pick the butt thats just my luck


hotarumisao: sarah wants ur sn, do u want her 2 have it?
hotarumisao: lol
SirHoneytoast: lol doesnt matter
SirHoneytoast: sirhoneytoast
SirHoneytoast: oh
SirHoneytoast: wait
hotarumisao: XDDDDD
SirHoneytoast: you know it lol

B rocked 4 eva13: i wonder what a jock strap loks like?
B rocked 4 eva13: lol
LizzieP3848: ew
LizzieP3848: ew
LizzieP3848: ew
LizzieP3848: ew
LizzieP3848: lol
B rocked 4 eva13: im just wonderin

hotarumisao: yeah...i was worried for a minute lol
hotarumisao: ...or 5
ravenwing110: well 'es scot'ish, i'nt 'e?
ravenwing110: wow that was bad
ravenwing110: *slaps self for horrid scottish accent*

ravenwing110: lol h/o
hotarumisao: dun go get them! they only bring pain and suffering! lol
ravenwing110 is away at 8:35:55 PM.
hotarumisao: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *sniffle* shes gone now
Auto response from ravenwing110: going to find my diary, brb...
hotarumisao: *plays taps*
hotarumisao: this was the last thing we ever heard lindsay say ravenwing110: lol h/o
hotarumisao: *sniffle* we will remember thee
hotarumisao: *plays taps again*
hotarumisao: WHY?!
hotarumisao: WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!
hotarumisao: *bangs desk with fist while sobbing* WHY?! WHY?! the pain! the suffering!!
hotarumisao: *sniffle*
hotarumisao: *sob*
hotarumisao: YOU GO GIRL! *sob* YOU GO!

hotarumisao: I SALUTE YOU ZIM *sniffle* an..and all you did! *sniffle*

sumdayI willrule: look at me! im a one person mosh pit!

OnlineHost: SirHoneytoast rolled 2 6-sided dice:  5 4
SirHoneytoast: ha!
SirHoneytoast: i win!
OnlineHost: irken titan9 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  5 1
OnlineHost: Spideeman88 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  1 5
OnlineHost: irken titan9 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  4 4
SirHoneytoast: *advances three spaces

ravenwing110: this is good trail mix
ravenwing110: *munchitymuchtmuncht* lol

I <3 AIM lol