Invader ZIM is an eccentric alien soldier from the planet Irk. He was banished from the Irken Empire after nearly destroying
his home planet on an early mission. After begging his superiors, the Almighty Tallest Red and Purple, for another chance,
they decide to get rid of him once and for all. They trick him into going on a "secret mission" to an obscure planet at the
edge of the universe, a planet with the unlikely name of Earth, in hopes that he'll die along the way. But their trick backfires
when ZIM safely reaches Earth and begins his ever-so-subtle conquest of it. He disguises himself as a schoolboy, and now the
only person who can stop him is one kid - Dib, a somewhat insane paranormal researcher, who sees straight through ZIM's disguise
and is intent on stopping his reign of "terror". The only problem is that neither of them is very good at stopping the other.
ZIM is an outcast, but doesn't realize it. His one goal in life is to prove himself to be great, and
wants to destroy the humans more than anything else. He's severely afraid that the humans will capture him.
GIR He is probably the most liked character in Invader ZIM. GIR proves himself time and time again to
be a stupid robot with a great sense of humour. He wasn't a proper robot, but was manufactured in a few seconds by the Almighty
Tallest out of trash. No one knows what the "G" stands for.
GAZ Gaz is Dib's scary sister. She's very gothic. She hates the human race, although probably not as
much as ZIM. She would rather spend her life alone with her Game Slave than try and find a good friend.
DIB This character is a very mad paranormal fan. He looks for aliens and such in his free time. A lot
of people in SKOOL think he's crazy. After a lifetime of being unable to turn up proof of any real para science, he is desperate
to prove that ZIM is an alien -- by any means necessary.

South Park is an animated series featuring four boys who live in the Colorado town of South Park, which is beset by frequent
odd occurrences.
Eric Cartman-Eric has no value for anyone other than himself. Being as fat as he is, that value must
be pretty high. He's always plotting some venture to earn free money, or plotting to kill/hurt Kyle in some way. He claims
that Kenny is his only friend, though he often befriends others (usually only to accomplish his goals). Once he had $1 million
dollars, he started his own theme park called Cartmanland. He's played the toothfairy, and been abducted by aliens on several
occasions. He lives with his dad (who he thought was his mom) Liane Cartman. The whereabouts of his mother have never been
Stan Marsh-Stan is really your ordinary eight-year-old. He throws up at the sight of his girlfriend
Wendy, has his own gay dog sparky, and is quarterback of the South Park cows. He discovered the Big Gay Animal Sanctuary,
and is usually the voice of reason when the other boys are clueless.
Kenny Mccormic-The gang's voice of truth wrapped up in an on-sale orange parka. What Kenny says we can
only guess at, but the boys always seem to agree with him. He's poor, too. His dad is an alcoholic and his mom, well, think
Ghetto. Kenny is also the victim of repeatedly dying and coming back. He did, however, die for real: at the end of season
five. He was then replaced by "a new fourth", namely, Butters. He returned at the end of season six and hasn't died since.
Kyle Broslofski-Kyle has a sense of paranoia brought on by years of influence from his
overbearing mother, Sheila Broslofski. He's the only Jewish kid in town and has voiced his discontent with this fact on many
occasions. He's usually the victim of Cartman's schemes, mostly cause he's the only one who opening opposes them. Kyle's dad
is Gerald, who once punished Kyle for believing in Mr. Hankey.

The Teen Titans are five heroes under one roof. Their names: Robin, Raven, Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy.
They live in a large tower in the shape of a T that they call Titan's Tower. No secret identities. No school. Just superheroes
being superheroes. They must go up against their arch nemesis, Slade, and his evil minions. What he really plans to do is
unknown but one thing's for sure...he's an evil madman.
ROBIN-The leader of the team, he never gives up in any situation. He is quick-witted and often comes
up with the team's winning strategy. He is also good at motivating the team when they get beaten. He can be a bit obsessive
when it comes to catching his arch-nemesis Slade and hates being compared to him despite the similarity in attitude between
Starfire-The peacekeeping one, she hates to see the others fighting. She often appears
weird to the others with her alien customs and lack of knowledge about Earth. She has an older sister, Blackfire (who is evil),
and like all members of her species, she goes through the 'transformation' a brief period of a few days where she develops
all sorts of growths, then goes into a chrysalis for a minute or so, emerging normal in appearance but more powerful, she
appears to have an interest in Robin.
Beast Boy-BeastBoy is the joker of the team, he enjoys playing pranks and doing
things just for a laugh, he ends up as the target of many pranks himself as well (mostly by Cyborg). Unable to take anything
seriously, he makes jokes and one-liners even when fighting Supervillians, Beastboy seems to have an interest in the character
Terra, who joins the team for a short while.
Raven-Raven is the mysterious one, she reveals little about herself and doesn't
let anyone into her room. Raven has to remain calm in any situation as her powers are driven by her emotions. The stronger
her emotion, the more energy she releases. But she risks losing control and being consumed by one of her facets, rage especially.
To maintain her control, Raven spends her free time meditating, she also possesses a magical mirror that transports anyone
who looks into it into her mind, where each of her emotions are personified as herself wearing different colored robes. Whenever
Raven uses her powers, she does so by speaking three words: 'Azarath Metreon Zinthos' in order, anything under her influence
becomes surrounded in a black energy field, she appears to lose her powers if she cannot speak even though she sometimes uses
them without saying anything.
Cyborg-Cyborg is a talented engineer with a passion for vehicles, he
built the Titans' car and the submarine and is very protective of both of them. Cyborg is pretty laid back, he plays a lot
of video games. Cyborg likes to play jokes too (although not as much as Beast Boy). His mechanical components are powered
by a large battery that lasts for a year and leaves him paralyzed when it runs out until it is replaced or he is connected
to an external power source.
Terra-Terra is the strange new
comer. She didn't step in till the second season, episode 'Terra'. At first, she was welcomed with open arms and gladly stood
beside the Titans fighting Slade. However she had trouble controlling her powers and Beast Boy found out. She pleaded with
Beast Boy not to tell but Robin figured it out anyway. Terra, thinking Beast Boy had betrayed her, left. But she returned
in the episode 'Titan Rising' and became a Teen Titan. But sadly, she turned the Titans over to Slade and revealed she had
been working for him since she left Titan's Tower in 'Terra'.
Slade-The evil guy and like all evil mad-men he wants to
defeat the good guys aka the Titans. Him and Robin are a lot alike. Not much besides that is known about him.
~I'll write more later..............~