The Realm of Fontainie
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Rating: I for immiture but also T for technically this is rated IT. Heehee!! That spells it!!!


Johnny C. 
A.K.A: Nny
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 115 (more with change in his pockets)
Likes: stars, the emotionless funtion of insects, watching people get abducted by aliens, Cherry FizWiz, Cherry Brain-Freezies, all kinds of movies, the moon, littlt chubby babies, Pop Rocks and Soda, drawing Happy Noodle Boy.
Dislikes: humidity, sleep, the physical and mental need for anything, being abducted by aliens, people who've "gotta have a smoke", certain words, losing his mind, satans attitide, getting shot in the head, drawing Happy Noodle Boy.
Background Info: not much is known about Johnny's history. All we do know is that his parents were killed by an evil man, thus setting the course for Nny's life as a masked crime fighter. Or, perhaps not. At present, Nny is more his own enemy than any external mind could be, what with the decomposure of what may have been, at one time, a fine, intellegent mind. Johnny is, possibly, more hideously mentally malformed than the people he seem to think have ruined his world. He's not a loser, he's simply lost.


Mr. Eff
Height: 2' 3"
Weight: 9 OZ (made of styrofoam)
Likes: John Wu movies, absolute and total insane violence, smiles that make people nervous, the sound of hearts beating, when Johnny lets him drive, seeing vital things from inside a person come out, the paint job Nny did on him, fast electric music.
Dislikes: psychodoughboy, depression, the sound of people sleeping, nugat, caring much about anything for more than 30 seconds, people in bad moods, when the popcorn gets burned.
Background Info: Originally part of a display stand for some yummy pastries, Mr.Eff became host to one of Johnny's internal voices. As nailbunny was the only thing resembling an angel on Nny's shoulder, the two doughboys resemble a fractured version of the devil, both horrible in their own way, Eff's emphasis being on the enjoyment of Nny's growing insanity, and other things profane. Eff has a bit of a Pinnochio complex about him, as he would like to be able to exist on his own.


Devi D.
A.K.A: The One that got away
height: 5'9"
weight: 120 lbs (more with all the mace she carries now)
Likes:  films by Terry Gilliam, and Mike Leigh, stars, ghost stories, painting, driving with the stereo on loud, reading, meeting guys who aren't criminally insane
Dislikes:  people writing like Lovecraft who aren't Lovecraft, not liking girls enough to give up on guys, crappy dates (literally), people who think they know everything about religion, being attacked by really sharp things.
Background Info: When Devi's not attempting another doomed social outing, she paints, or just reads anything that does not try to recreate reality. Her childhood was reality enough to to suit her. Her history with men is not the best, but she did not reach a frightening low until she went out with Johnny. Before that, they had pleasant conversations, about anything in particular, at the bookstore she works at. His attempt on her life did not strike her as very romantic.


Anne Guish
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 115 lbs (with makeup)
Likes: talking bad about other people, hanging out in clubs only to ignore  everyone, dancing the same dances everyone else does, you if your in a band, social smoking, being herself so long as it looks good and people are watching.
Dislikes: people talking bad about her, when people don't acknowledge her in clubs, people who just don't know how to do their makeup, when ugly guys ask her out
Background Info: Anne's background is a bit of a mystery, as she is fairly new to this area, and not much is known about her life before arriving. Someone once found her high school yearbook and found out that she was once a cheerleader!! Oh my GOD!!! A cheerleader!! I'm not lying. And you know her friend Cleo? Well, she told me not to tell anyone, but remember that bassist Dark Goiter she was seeing? Well Anne went to go see him backstage one night, and found him all over that fat chick who plays keyboard in BLAH BLAH BLAH


A.K.A: Todd
height: Squee Sized
weight: less than a cheeseburger
Likes: his bear Shmee, when the insane neighbor man does not tell him bedtime stories, writing stories, when daddy's not yelling, when mommy remembers his name.
Dislikes: when Shmee tells him to burn the house down, when aliens stare at him, the sick sounds coming from next door, the kids at school, the ever impending threat of Armageddon, TV shows by Saban.
Background Info: More commonly referred to as "Squee", little Todd acquired that nickname due to the high pitched squeaking sound he makes when heis afraid, which is quite often. His only real confidant is his teddy bear, Shmee, whose advice is heard only by Squee. He has taken to creative writing when not being yelled at at school or at home. His favorite times are those in which he forgets that the world is full of bug-eyed monstrosities, and knife wielding maniacs. Those times are very in frequent.


A.K.A: Spooky floating bunny head
Height: 6 inches (with body)
Weight: 6 OZ (including nail)
Likes: floating around, when Johnny wasn't a jibbering lunatic, nature shows on the Discovery Channel, scenes in Disney movies where people die.
Dislikes: being the lone voice of reason in Nny's head, the doughboys, hammers, when spiders nest inside of him, screams of the innocent.
Background Info: Nailbunny was a happy little bunny, born in a little cage in a pet store one night. He was very warm and nuzzly with his big, warm mommy rabbit. The giant people in the store were so nice to him, too. One day, a funny looking giant who looked like he didn't eat enough came in and made a smily face at the bunny. Soon, the little bunny was snatched away from his sleeping mother, and whisked off into the amazing giant world. At first it was scary, but soon bunny overcame the fear and thought of what a wonderful world it was. Just then, the giant pinned him to a wall and slammed a nail through his body.     the end.......


A.K.A: D-Boy
Height: 2'3"
Weight: 9 OZ (made of styrofoam)
Likes: knowing that everything ends eventually, when lights turn off, Zhang Yimou movies, when little kids drop their ice cream and jump off buildings in a fit of despair, when anything won't come back, stupid teens and their affection for suicide.
Dislikes: Mr. Eff, the sound of people sleeping, wasting pain on anyone but yourself, broadway showtunes, when Johnny looks hopeful, being conscious, not being a refrigerator and really messing yp the ozone layer.
Background Info: Older than Mr.Eff by a couple of years, his discovery was the same. Despite having a swear painted on him, D-Boy was infused with the voice of rabid despair and doom. Much stronger during Nny's depressions, doughboy actually works to throw him over the edge and do away with himself altogether. Not interested in Eff's desire to be "real" D-Boy simply just wishes to stop being.


Tess R.
A.K.A: Tess
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
(doesn't like her butt)
Likes: Steven Soderberg movies, live music, watching boyfriends get ripped apart and becoming ex-boyfriends, how she looks in glasses, lizards
Dislikes: having the universe disappear around you, the thought of trying to fit in, frequent moments of weakness, poor judge of character, knowing all the previous dislikes firsthand.
Background Info: Tess's family moved around a lot, making it difficult to make friends with people. Even now, that she's fairly stable, as far as living somewhere goes, she still has that feeling of having to have friends around and quickly, which usually results in keeping not the best of company. The idea of having someone around was far more appealing than being alone, Tess is a little lost when not seeing herself in the context of others, but she knows this is a problem. She's been working on it and can now go two full days without having to call one of her crappy friends.


Does this look like heaven to you?