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Welcome to 'When Inanimate Objects Attack!!'

Anouncer: "Hello and Welcome to the very first episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. I am your guide through peoples suffering. I have made a promise not to tell my name to you, so you can just call me Anouncer..since I am the announcer of the show...but I dropped an n.....anyways! In this show we talk to people who have been attcked by inanimate objects. Yes, inanimate objects. Today we will be talking to poor victims that got attacked by music stands"
~Theme song-To cops theme~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back. Now as I said, we will be talking to victims of music stands. Lets go.
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Here we are with Samantha. Hello Samantha"
Samantha: *in full body cast* "Hello Anouncer."
Anouncer: "So, you have gotten attacked by a music stand"
Samantha: "yes.." *sniffle* "and it hurt!!"
Anouncer: "Tell us your story."
Samantha: "ok...well...I was playing my flute and I hit a wrong note, you know how that happens sometimes."
Anouncer: "No I don't but go on anyway."
Samantha: "Well, like I said, I played a wrong note and then my music fell off my stand and then my stand came towards me and then I blacked out. I woke up in this body cast with a hot male nurse next to my bed. ^_^ "
Anouncer: *looks like he just woke up* " lets talk to some guy now."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with some guy*
Anouncer: "Now we will be talking to Matt."
Matt: *only has a band-aid on his finger* "HI! My story goes-I was changing my music on my music stand and I got....a....a....A PAPER CUT!!!!!"
Anouncer: "But that has nothing to do with music stands...."
Matt: "Yes it music was on my music stand..."
Anouncer: "oh....thrilling...poor you...." *looks at camera* "Thank you for joining us on 'When inanimate objects attack' Join us next time"
Matt: "Would you happen to have a new band-aid?"
Anouncer: T_T "go away...."


Anouncer: *talking in one of those low mysterious voices* "Welcome to another episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to poor victims that have been attacked by dressing rooms"
~Theme Song~
Bad inanimate object, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects.
Anouncer: "Welcome back. We are now going to talk to the poor victims. Lets go."
~next scene~
*Anouncer is talking to a girl with scars*
Anouncer: "This is Sissy. She is 16 years old and was attacked by a dressing room not too long ago. Sissy, tell us your story."
Sissy: "Well, like, I was putting on, like, this dress for, like, my prom in a, like, Deb dressing room. I thought it, like, looked safe until, like, I got out to, like, show my friends the dress and, like, the dressing room attacked me!!! They, like, had to rush me to, like, the hospital and I got, like, stitches all up my, like, arm." *she starts crying* "And it, like, totally clashes with, like, my prom dress!!!"
Anouncer: "Awww.....too bad......" *looks at camera* "Sissy wasn't the first person to be attacked by a dressing room...and she wasn't the last either. Now we will go talk to another victim"
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with a guy*
Anouncer: "Hello Rick...."
Rick: "Hello.."
Anouncer: "Tell us your story Rick."
Rick: "I was.....I was trying on this totally rad shirt when I accedently bumped into the door and it bit my arm!!!!!!!!! I was rushed to the hospital and they had to amputate my arm. MY PITCHING ARM!!!! *starts spazing* "Not my pitching arm! why?! *starts crying* " arm...why?? WHY?!?!?!"
Anouncer: O_o "umm...thanks...that's it for today's episode. Thanks and join us next time on 'When Inanimate Objects Attck'. Buh-Bye"
Anouncer: >_< "Shut up!!!!"


Anouncer: "Hello and welcome to 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Sorry we had to skip a week....they wouldn't let us air 'When Chainsaws Attack'. So, today we will be talking to people who have gotten attacked my chairs."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back. Now lets go talk to our pathetic....I...I mean poor victims."
~next scene~
Anouncer: "Here we are with Stephanie. Tell us your story Stephanie."
Stephanie: "Well, I was sitting in my favorite, comfy, cushiony, cool,...."
Anouncer: "Get on with it!!!!"
Stephanie: "Oh yeah! Well, I was sitting in my favorite chair doing my homework when without any notice my chair just flung me backwards and I hit the wall!! It hurt! But I remember a hot male nurse helping me! ^_^ "
Anouncer: "What is it with these 'hot' male nurses???!!!!"
Stephanie: "It's not my fault he was hot!"
Anouncer: "Ok...thank you lets go to the next victim."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with a guy*
Anouncer: "Hello Jim..."
Jim: "My name is Jim?! Since when is it Jim?!"
Anouncer: "So've been attacked by a chair..."
Jim: "AAHHHHH!!!! A CHAIR!!!"
Anouncer: "Obviously you banged your head....."
Jim: "What?! WHO ARE YOU?!"
Anouncer: "Ok.....Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Join us next time. Bye."
Jim: "Who are you talking to? WHO ARE YOU?!"
Anouncer: "Forget it....lets go cameraman..."
Jim: "WHO ARE YOU?!"


Anouncer: *in a dull voice* "Hello and welcome to another 'exciting' episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who have been attacked by sketch books...yes...sketchs books...."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back. Lets go talk to the bore....I..I mean poor victims." *whispers to himself* "I don't get paid enough for this job...."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello....we are here with Amanda."
Amanda: *waves at camera* "HI!!!"
Anouncer: "You don't seem to be in that much pain....didn't you get attacked by a sketch book?"
Amanda: "What?! You want me to be in pain?! yes..I got attacked by a sketch book..."
Anouncer: "well...pain makes the show more interesting. Show us your cuts from the sketch book."
Amanda: "I only have one cut...see!" *she puts her finger up to the camera* "It's not that bad. I thin kits a scab now..."
Anouncer: *looks mad* "Tell us how your horrible injury happened."
Amanda: "Well, I was drawing and the sketch book just attacked me. What can I say?"
Anouncer: "Did it hurt?"
Amanda: "At first...but not anymore..."
Amanda: " doesn't hurt...."
Anouncer: "I can't take it anymore! That's it for today!"
Cameraman: "But you only talked to one person..."
Anouncer: "I don't care...I don't want to talk to anyone else today..."
Cameraman: "ok..."
Anouncer: "Thanks and join us next time on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Bye..."
Amanda: "But it doesn't hurt!"
Anouncer: "Don't talk to me..."
Amanda: "but.."
Anouncer: "DON'T TALK TO ME!"
Amanda: "ok....BYE!! MY HAND IS FINE!!"
Anouncer: >_< "ARG!!! TURN OFF THE CAMERA!"
Cameraman: *sigh* "fine.."


Anouncer: "Hello and welcome to another episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who have actually gotten attacked by a hairdryer."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back.." *sigh* "Lets go..." *mumbles* "I hate this job.."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Chrystal."
Chrystal: "Hello.."
Anouncer: "So, you got attacked by a hairdryer..."
Chrystal: "Yes.." *starts crying* "AND NOW I'M BALD!!!!"
Anouncer: "HAHA!! I..I mean ha..have you done anything about it?"
Chrystal: "I can't!! I'm bald!!!!"
Anouncer: "geez.....sorry....tell us how this happened."
Chrystal: "Well..I was drying my hair and the hairdryer just burned all my hair off!! It was horrible!!!"
Anouncer: "Sounds like it was mean sounds like it was sad..."
Chrystal: "It was! My poor hair!!" *sobbing* "My poor, poor hair!!"
Anouncer: "yeah...ok....let's talk to the next person."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting in a room with a guy*
Anouncer: "Hello George...what happened to you?"
George: "uhhhhh...."
Anouncer: "Hello?! Earth to George!"
George: "uhhhhh...."
Cameraman: "umm...George melted his brain with a hairdryer..."
Anouncer: *grumbles* "perfect..."
George: "uhhhh...."
Anouncer: "arg.....That's it for today. Thanks for tuning in and join us next time on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'.....bye....."
George: "uhhhh..."
Anouncer: "This is so stupid!!!! Why did I want this job?!!"
George: "Because you're stupid..."
Anouncer: "WHAT?!"
George: "I mean...uhhhhh...."
Anouncer: T_T


Anouncer: "Hello...and welcome to another episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who have been attacked by golf balls.."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back...come on...."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Jessie..."
Jessie: *has an eye patch on over her eye* "Hello Anouncer!"
Anouncer: "So, you got attacked by a golf ball?"
Jessie: *sarcastically* "noooo..I just wear an eye patch over my eye for fun."
Anouncer: "sorry......tell us how it happened."
Jessie: "Well...I was golfing and all of a sudden a golf ball flew at me and hit me in the eye!"
Anouncer: "ok..thanks Jessie....let's talk to our next person..."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with some guy*
Anouncer: "Hello Paul."
Paul: "Hello."
Anouncer: "So Paul, you got attacked by a golf ball?"
Paul: "I did."
Anouncer: "How did it feel?"
Paul: "It felt...AAAHHHH!!!!!!"
Anouncer: "WHAT?! WHAT?!"
Paul: *whispering* "don't move...there's something on your head..."
Anouncer: "that's my hair........"
Paul: "But it looks so real!!! Call the police!!"
Aanouncer: "It is real...and why do you want to call the police?"
Anouncer: "oh forget it....Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. bye..."
Paul: "AHH!!"
Anouncer: *mad* "WHAT?!"
Paul: "AN ANIMAL!!" *runs into the camera and it goes fuzzy*
Cameraman: *sobbing* "MY CAMERA!!!"
Anouncer: "just shut it off..."
Cameraman: *stroking the camera* "it will be alright.."


Anouncer: "Hello and welcome back to another 'wonderful' episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who stupidly got attacked by curling irons."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome back...again....lets go and get this over with...."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Caroline."
Caroline: "Hello."
Anouncer: "so, you got attacked by a curling iron."
Caroline: "sadly...yes.."
Anouncer: *grumble* "stupid idiot.."
Caroline: "excuse me? I didn't quite hear what you said."
Anouncer: "Tell us how it happened." *flashes fake smile*
Caroline: "oh! ok! Well, I was curling my hair and my curling iron burnt a hole in the back of my head. See!!!" *she turns around and lift the back of her hair to show an old, gross scab.*
Anouncer: "EW!"
Caroline: "Isn't it cool!"
Anouncer: "NO! Next person!"
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with an old bald man*
Anouncer: "Hello Charlie."
Charlie: "Hello sonny."
Anouncer: "Sonny?......So you got attacked by a curling iron?"
Charlie: "What? no..."
Anouncer: "Well you're bald.."
Charlie: "I've been bald for 15 years."
Anouncer: "So you didn't get attacked by a curling iron?"
Charlie: "no...but my dentures hurt!"
Anouncer: "great....Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. bye..."
Charlie: "Do you have denture gel?"
Anouncer: "no..." *walks out*
Charlie: "Where are you going?!"
Anouncer: "...leaving..."
Charlie: "But you didn't interview me!"
Anouncer: T_T


Anouncer: "Welcome to another lame...ahem.....i mean exciting episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who have gotten attacked by tap shoes....and hopefully...nothing will go wrong..."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: *sigh...again* "let's go..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Cindy.."
Cindy: "HI!!!" *smiles a cheesy smile*
Anouncer: ", you got attacked by tap shoes..."
Cindy: "Yup!" *giggles* "That's why I have this big mean black eye." *giggles again*
Anouncer: "Must you always giggle?"
Cindy: "But life is good!!" *giggle*
Anouncer: *sigh* "You're so pathetic! I hope your black eye gets worse!"
Cindy: *giggle* "You're so silly!"
Anouncer: *fake laugh* *sarcastically* "yeah, so silly."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with a girl*
Anouncer: "Hello Britney..."
Britney: "Hi.."
Anouncer: "So, you also got attacked by tap shoes?"
Britney: "Yup."
Anouncer: "And how did it feel?"
Britney: "It hurt, but one of my best friends helped me."
Anouncer: "oh, what's her name?"
Britney: "Amanda."
Anouncer: "Amanda? I had an Amanda on the show once."
Britney: "I know. Amanda came with me."
Anouncer: "The Amanda?!"
Britney: "Yup."
*Amanda comes in*
Amanda: "Hi Anouncer! Remember me!"
Anouncer: "yes..."
Amanda: "I'm healed!"
Anouncer: "ARG!!!!" *starts chasing Amanda*
Britney: "umm..Anouncer..I'm still here..I got attacked by tap shoes!" *shows a bloody gash in her leg* "See?!"
Anouncer: "Not now! I have to settle something with Amanda!"
Amanda: "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Britney: "ok..your loss..." *looks at camera* "Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Join the crazy Anouncer guy next time! Bye!"
Anouncer: "Hey!! I'm supposed to say that!"
Britney: "You're too busy...remember..."


Anouncer: "Welcome once again to another episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Today we will be talking to people who have gotten attacked by video cameras..."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "ok..let's go..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Here we are with Jason. Hello Jason.."
Jason: "Hi!"
Anouncer: "So, you have gotten attacked by a video camera?"
Jason: "Yes, see, I don't have an ear anymore."
Anouncer: "...oh..."
Jason: "It was very bloody! It happened at my birthday party!"
Anouncer: "oh...happy birthday.."
Jason: "It obviously wasn't happy....SINCE I LOST MY EAR!!!"
Anouncer: "o..oh...sorry.."
Jason: *starts crying* "You are so mean!! I HATE YOU!!"
Anouncer: "but...I HATE YOU TO!! ...stupid kids..."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with some guy*
Anouncer: "Hello Steven.."
Steven: "A camera?! Where?!"
Anouncer: "Right there" *points to camera* "But don't worry, it won't attack you."
Steven: "Yes it will!!!!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!"
*the camera accidently slips and rams into Steven*
Steven: "AAAHHH!!! SAVE ME!!"
Anouncer: "hee...heee..heee..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" *starts laughing hysterically*
Cameraman: "Oh my god...he's laughing...oh well...thanks for joining Anouncer and the people on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'...Bye!!" *looks at Anouncer* "Stop laughing!!"


Anouncer: "Welcome to the 10th episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. And every 10th episode starts a new season! And every new season means a new announcer!!"
Cameraman: "umm...Anouncer...we decided not to do that.."
Anouncer: "But!!!!" *grumbles* "not fair...."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Welcome we will be revisiting people from past episodes...let's go..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Welcome back Britney."
Britney: "hmph...."
Anouncer: "What?"
Britney: "You don't have time for me."
Anouncer: "But...oh fine...tell us how you are now feeling now that it has been a few weeks since your accident."
Britney: "I'm fine now.."
Anouncer: "Well...did it hurt?"
Britney: "Yes, but you don't care so bye...." *gets up and walks away*
Anouncer: "umm...ok..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Welcome back Chrystal..."
Chrystal: "Hello."
Anouncer: "I see your hair is growing back."
Chrystal: "yup!"
Anouncer: "Oh well...I'm glad your hair is growing back." *mumbles* "In your dreams..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello...Charlie..."
Charlie: "Hello."
Anouncer: "Why did you come back?"
Charlie: "Because my dentures attacked me..."
Anouncer: >_<
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Welcome back Steven...heehee.."
Steven: *in full body cast* "Hello again."
Anouncer: "hee hee" *starts laughing hysterically*
Steven: "You're so mean!!!!!!"
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello again Cindy...."
Cindy: "HI!!!" *giggle*
Anouncer: "...I hate you...." *looks at camera* "Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Bye.
Cindy: "BUH-BYE NOW!!" *giggle*


Anouncer: "Welcome to 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'...I don't feel like here's the theme song.."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Remind me to make the theme song longer...." *sigh* "Today we will be talking to people who have been attacked by dresses..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Leigh."
Leigh: "Hi."
Anouncer: "So you got attacked by a dress?"
Leigh: " was a choral gown thingy..."
Anouncer: " happened?"
Leigh: "It wouldn't let me take it off!!! I thought it was gonna eat me! WHY?! I don't even taste good!"
Anouncer: "How do you know that you don't taste good?"
Leigh: *smiles a crazy smile* "I just know."
Anouncer: *gulp* "Th...thank you Leigh.."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello Sheila."
Sheila: "HI!!" *smiles*
Anouncer: " you got attacked by a dress?"
Sheila: "Yup!" *smiles*
Anouncer: "Tell us about it."
Sheila: "Well, I was trying on my Thanksgiving dress and it wouldn't come off! I think it was trying to stuffercate me."
Anouncer: "Stuffercate? Don't you mean suffocate?"
Sheila: "Nope. Stuffercate." *smiles*
Anouncer: "You are so stupid..."
Sheila: "What's that?" *smiles*
Anouncer: "nothing...."
Sheila: "Oh." *smiles*
Anouncer: "yeah...Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Join us next time."
Sheila: "Bye!" *smiles*
Anouncer: "Why do you smile so much?!"
Sheila: "Because I survived a stuffercater."
Anouncer: T_T "oh.."


Anouncer: "Hi..welcome to....oh what the know the name of the show....why say it..."
~Theme Song~
*You know...*
Anouncer: " I said I wanted the theme song longer!!!"
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "That's better...I guess....I don't even know what people got attacked by this episode...let's just go..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "Hello person.."
Courtney: "I'm Courtney..."
Anouncer: "yeah...what did you get attacked by?"
Courtney: "a...a...A SQUIREL!!!"
Anouncer: "That's not an inanimate object.."
Courtney: "So!! I got attacked by it!"
Anouncer: "But it's not an inanimate object! This show is called 'When Inanimate Objects Attack!"
Courtney: *gets up* "FINE!!!" *walks away grumbling* "I don't even know what inanimate mean..."
~Next Scene~
*Anouncer is sitting with a guy*
Anouncer: "so...what did you get attacked by? and it better be an inanimate object!!"
Josh: "A feather!!"
Anouncer: "You can't be serious..."
Josh: "It was HORRIBLE!! I sneezed and my brain flew out my nose! It was a green brain!"
Anouncer: "Unfortunatly....that's not your brain...those are..umm...just not your brain.."
Josh: "What is it then?"
Anouncer: *looks at camera* "Thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'. Bye."
Josh: "What is it?!"
Anouncer: *gets up and leaves*
Josh: "Wait!!! You forgot to tell me what it is!!!"


Anouncer: *sigh* "Hi.....welcome to 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'......."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Today we will be talking to people who have gotten attacked by 2x4's..."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "This is Glen."
Glen: "HI!"
Anouncer: "You got attacked by a 2x4?"
Glen: "Yes!!"
Anouncer: "What happened?"
Glen: "He was my friend!! why? WHY?!"
Anouncer: "and.......?"
Glen: "Oh yeah! Sorry. Well, anyways, he was my friend. Then some guys came and..." *sniffle* "PUT HIM THROUGH A SHREDDER!"
Anouncer: "and.....?"
Glen: "So then my friend thought that put him through the he flew out of the shredder and poked my eyes and made me blind!!!!!"
Anouncer: "'re not blind..."
Glen: "I'm not? *looks around* "I....I....I can see!!! It's a miracle!!!!!!! I can see!!" *hugs Anouncer* "Thank you!! Thank you!!!!!" *runs out of the room*
Anouncer: "...yeah...."
~Next Scene~
Anouncer: "This is Kylee."
Anouncer: "You got attacked by a 2x4?"
Kylee: "Yup. I was walking then i touched a 2x4 and I got a splinter!!"
Anouncer: *sarcastically* "Oh No!"
Kylee: "yeah...but then I got it out!" *huge smile*
Anouncer: *more sarcasm* "good..." *looks at camera* "That's all the time we have for today...thanks for joining us on 'When Inanimate Objects Attack.'"
Kylee: "Byeeeeeeeeee!"
Cameraman: *to Anouncer* "That was pathetic...."
Anouncer: "shut.....up....."


Anouncer: "Welcome again to another episode of 'When Inanimate Objects Attack'."
~Theme Song~
*Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad inanimate objects, bad inanimate objects*
Anouncer: "Today we will be talking to people who have been attacked by lunch. Bring in the first idiot..."
Lucy: *comes running in* "Hi! I'm Lucy and I was viciously attacked by my lunch!"
Anouncer: "You don't say...." *stares at sign flashing 'Lunch Episode'*
Lucy: "I do say! Would you like to hear my wonderful story?"
Anouncer: "Do I have a choice?"
Lucy: "Nope!"
Anouncer: "Then I suppose I'll hear it...."
Lucy: "ok." *gets look in her eyes like she's going to have a flashback* "It all started five days ago. I was packing my lunch. I wanted to have a ham and cheese, but I ate all the ham on monday. I was mad! I love ham! It's so yummy! Especially the honey ham! mmmmmmmmmm...I love it when my mom surprises me with.." *cut off*
Anouncer: "I want to hear about how you got attacked by your lunch!!! Not about your love for ham!!!!!"
Lucy: *giggle* "Sorry. Well, anyways, I was eating my turkey sandwich in lunch on tuesday afternoon at school. It wasn't as good as ham, but it was still good. Turkey is sooooo good!"
Anouncer: "I thought ham was your favorite..."
Lucy: "Oh it is! But turkey is my second favorite. And my third favor..."*cut off*
Anouncer: "I don't care about your stupid obsession with meat! Just tell us about how you got attacked by you lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Lucy: "heehee..oh yeah...I keep forgetting. Well, anyways, I was eating and....and...I looked at my turkey sandwich, my second favorite you think bologna is a meat? I'm not sure because it doesn't taste like's very wier..." *cut off again*
Anouncer: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! That's all the time we have for today...this was so pointless!"
Bill: *runs in* "I never got to tell my story!!!"
Anouncer: "well...."
Bill: *looks at camera like he's gonna say something important* "....HI MOM!!"
Anouncer: "GAH!!!!!" *grabs camera and throws it at Bill* "Now you can be on the episode 'When Camera's Attack'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Bill: "That doesn't count! You threw it at me!! And you already did 'When Camera's Attack'...."
Anouncer: "INANIMATE OBJECTS CAN'T ATTACK YOU! THEY CAN'T MOVE! THEY'RE INANIMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *sigh* "I should have stayed in college..."


I know these are wicked lame lol but they keep me ocupied :P

those are all the ones that I have written......i will write more eventually.....I think I'm gonna do when dvd players attack..I dunno.....we'll see....

*laughing* "giggle giggle"